Who am I ????
My name is Simon Bacon - I am a resident of Derby UK and work in commercial horticulture. For many years now I have been involved in community action in relation to a number of issues in Derby UK. In the early days this meant engaging with the council to improve my local community via Area Panels and later Neighbourhood Forums where we were and are able to hold the council to account. By joining up with other like minded residents to defend local community assets threatened by Derby City Council such as the swimming pool at Gayton Community Junior School or to defend the Sanctuary local nature reserve in the city when Derby City Council granted itself permission to destroy part of the nature reserve to build a cycle track. I have done my best to support those around me fighting for a common goal - to stop the council trampling over the public.
My involvement in campaigns along with issues I have raised personally in Derby have shown me how driven councils are to reach their goal, trample over residents and refusing to listen or agree with alternatives. Councillors and parties when out of power often say one thing but do something else when in power - they string the public along for their votes and then do something different when in power - but hey maybe it is just that the councillors don't actually understand the issues or rely to much on what council officers tell them.
Working in horticulture as I do I understand the need to improve the soils of the UK and that starts by composting with the results applied to the soil. The UK government talks a lot about climate change and global warming but via the back door is granting incineration plants across the UK which will use feed stocks made from household waste which includes valuable food and garden wastes as is to be the case here in Derby. Further to this the UK government will reward the burning of such materials with Renewable Obligation Certificates - known as ROC's for short which makes the handling of waste an unbalanced playing field diverting valuable wastes from recycling as they are a valuable financial incentive to burn what should be recycled.
In recent years myself along with others have launched a long standing campaign against a large incineration plant proposal here in Derby UK where it is proposed by the councils of Derby and Derbyshire and their contractor - Resource Recovery Solutions (Derbyshire) - a company owned by Shanks Waste to burn hundreds of thousands of tonnes of household waste for 20-30 years.
This along with other waste related issues will form the basis of this blog.
You can contact me via email
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